Facilitating your jump to the next level of performance and satisfaction.

Individual Coaching

Your growth and development as a leader is as important as your growth as a technical professional. Coaching provides an opportunity to increase your self-awareness and focus on developing skills that differentiate you as a leader. We help you link your individual development goals to business goals and outcomes.

Whether it’s honing your ability to influence the work and success of others, sharpening your communication skills or increasing your strategic capacity, we can help you achieve the next level of performance and satisfaction in your work life. We routinely work with leaders to manage relationships effectively, boost emotional intelligence, develop executive presence, build trust with direct reports, carve out more strategic time in busy schedules and much more.

You may already have a goal for your coaching work. Or we can help you discern the areas that most need your focus and intention. We utilize a variety of tools, assessments, resources, modalities and techniques to collect quantitative and qualitative information that helps us understand how you show up at work and where your strengths and opportunities for growth are.

Some of our tools:

Assessments – As appropriate we may utilize any of the following:
EQ in Action Profile, a behaviorally based Emotional Intelligence assessment.
Meyers Briggs Type Indicator MBTI, a personality/style tool.
VIA, a strength-based assessment tool

360 feedback interviews and reports – we are skilled at collecting perceptions of and information about you from live interviews with direct reports, colleagues, and your leaders. Information is anonymously presented in a customized report and delivered to you by your coach. This information can be useful in increasing self-awareness and creating coaching goals.

Leadership Development Plan (LDP) – From the data we collect we hone in on one or two key areas of focus for our coaching work. Together we craft a Leadership Development Plan that clearly outlines our goals and the work ahead. The LDP also outlines desired end goals and milestones so we can check in regularly to chart our progress and course correct as necessary.

Direct Observation – Your coach may schedule time to observe you in a meeting or as you give a presentation to get a better understanding of how you are showing up in the workplace. This information can be useful in helping the coach provide feedback to you on style, presence, and impact.



Working with Diane Kane was transformational. She has an uncanny ability to listen deeply and then ask exactly the right questions to get at the core of one’s intentions...her insights and inquiry process are spot on. After 6 months of working together I walked away with a lasting tool box of new skills to evaluate choices and implement change in my life.

~ M.G., Executive Director, Non-Profit

Working with Diane as the leadership coach of our team was one of the highlights of my more than 14 year career in healthcare. Diane’s approach and style helped us achieve personal insight, improve team dynamics, and create a safe environment which enabled us to deepen relationships and strive for higher levels of performance across our organization.

~ R.C., Senior Health Care Administrator